+ Exercise - if you want to stay healthy and make weight loss permanent you just cant do without exercise. Along with cutting down on the fat you eat exercising regularly may to your best ally in improving your all around health and bringing your weight loss under control.
+ Water is essential to all bodily functions and has no calories. It is the perfect drink for dieters. You need eight 8 oz glasses of water daily.
+ If you are going to a restaurant, decide ahead of time what you will be eating stick to it.
+ Take small servings - avoid gorging yourself.
+ Protein is more satisfying than carbohydrates or fats, and this may be the new secret weapon in weight control.
+ Limit alcohol, Alcoholic drinks have may calories and little else.
+ If you eat fewer calories than you burn, you will loss weight. But when you are hungry all time, eating fewer calories can be challenging.
+ Water is essential to all bodily functions and has no calories. It is the perfect drink for dieters. You need eight 8 oz glasses of water daily.
+ If you are going to a restaurant, decide ahead of time what you will be eating stick to it.
+ Take small servings - avoid gorging yourself.
+ Protein is more satisfying than carbohydrates or fats, and this may be the new secret weapon in weight control.
+ Limit alcohol, Alcoholic drinks have may calories and little else.
+ If you eat fewer calories than you burn, you will loss weight. But when you are hungry all time, eating fewer calories can be challenging.
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